

Let me start by letting you know what I mean when I mention the term “being a BOSS”.


Simply put, I’m referring to taking ownership, responsibility, and the action needed to author your own brilliant life story. This is something we ALL can and should learn, practice, and master… and I love that I get to work with thousands of bosses and bosses-in-the-making every single week!

​So, I can tell you that the quickest way to reach any goal in life like a true BOSS is to focus on what you want to achieve (not what you’re afraid will happen instead). If you want to live a life with extras, you’ll have to work out a way to get to that goal. You won’t likely start off with everything you want, but you can create a plan that gets you to that lifestyle you desire, eventually implementing the steps to get there. To spend your time focusing on what you want instead of what you don’t want, you’ll need to practice.

​Here are three ways to focus like a boss:​
​1- Write Your Vision/Dreams/Goals Down​
The more you visualize the result of your dreams and goals, the more you can help your brain focus on doing the work necessary to get to that result. Then by going a step forward and writing them down you are making the first step to taking your dreams from an invisible realm to the tangible realm you live in every day. This will be a constant reminder for you (and anyone else who can see what you’ve written) of what you are focused on achieving. For example, if you have included a new home as a goal, you’ll have to set up the steps involved in obtaining that home, such as saving for the down payment, plumping up your credit score so you can qualify for a loan, and finding the home in the area you most want to live. Write these steps down with exact measurable details (like how much you’ll have for the down payment and by what date you’ll have it all saved).
​2- Read Books About What You Want​
If you don’t know anything about investing in real estate, and you know that it is crucial for your future due to the lifestyle you want to live, you’ll need to start reading books about how to start investing and studying how much the type of real estate you want costs, and maybe you’ll even need to find a way to generate the kind of money you need for the initial purchase, maintenance, and legal fees. The more you can read about it, the more you can figure out how to do what works to get where you want to go.
​3- Follow People Who Have What You Want​
While you want to avoid comparing yourself to others or buying anything just because someone else has it, finding people to emulate is a good idea. If you know people who have done what you want to do, you’ll be able to realize all the possibilities and the reality of what it takes to get there. I say this because we often see the fairytale end and want that ending for ourselves without taking into consideration all the work, sacrifice, and time it took for someone else to get there.
The more you focus on what you want as a BOSS, the more you can teach yourself how to get what you want. The more you are focused on the future you want, the more you’re going to meet people who already have it and know how to get it. Since you’re typically on the same level financially as your five closest friends, this is an important thing to realize so that you can start making friends who have what you are looking for. Keep that in mind next time you are networking or meeting others!

​Tell me… which one of these areas can you activate right now?

And if she hasn’t been rewritten, then they are still using her. Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts.

Blind Text